On Monday 30th January, four masked men armed with sledgehammers attempted to raid a high street jewelry store. They smashed glass display cabinets in order to grab gold bangles and rings. The store's Smoke Screen system activated immediately, instantly putting a stop to the break-in and forcing the attackers off the premises with only a fraction of their loot.
Ram Jewelers, a prominent jewelry store in Leicester, England, was targeted at six in the evening, while the store was still open.
Owner Mahul Visram remained calm and helped his staff and customers to safety. He reports, "We heard the loud bang on the front door when they hit it with the big hammer. We have a door entry system and the glass in the door is tough, but they still got inside. I called the members of staff to the back of the shop so they would be safe. Fortunately, nobody was injured. We had a couple of customers in at the time and they were both safe as well. I didn't hear what the raiders were shouting because I was too busy telling my staff to get out of their way."
When everyone had moved safely to the back of the store, Mr Visram activated the Smoke Screen system, which filled the store with a thick fog in seconds. The harmless but disorienting fog is designed to shield goods from view, protect staff, and slow down thieves, making it practically impossible for them to get their hands on what they came for.
"The smoke seemed to drive them away and that was it. It was all over in maybe 10 seconds," Mr Visram continues.
The robbers fled in a silver Peugeot getaway car which was waiting outside the store. Police have asked witnesses to call Crimestoppers on (+44) 800 555111.
Check out the footage on our video blog.